Written on October 13th, 2004 at 10:10 am by Darren Rowse

Travel Blog

Case Studies 0 comments

travel_blog.jpgTravel Blog is one of the best ProBlogging ideas I’ve seen for a while. They offer free blogs to travellers to update with their latest travelling stories and photos.

‘Travel Blog is a collection of travel journals, diaries, stories and photos from all around the world. The journals are added by real travellers, and recount real experiences and impressions from the places they visit. The site includes lots of features that help you keep family and friends back home up to date with your adventure.’

So how do they make money from their blogs? Adsense ads appear on most pages - and adsense ads for travel pay out pretty well from what I’ve heard and seen.

They also sell Travel Blog Journals on the side. I havn’t seen any affiliate ads yet on the site but suspect that they would do well to add some - especially ads for travel books (amazon), cheap flights etc.

Found via Seths Blog

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