Written on December 19th, 2004 at 09:12 pm by Darren Rowse

ecto blog: Special christmas discount!

Blogging Tools and Services 0 comments

ecto is offering a spacial Christmas discount on its amazing blogging software. I use ecto for MacOS 10.3 (windows version is also available) and absolutely LOVE it - it totally revolutionized my blogging experience when I stumbled upon it.

‘With ecto you can write and manage entries for your weblog(s). The advantage over using your weblog’s control panel is that you can compose entries offline and use the extra features ecto offers, such as spellcheck, creating links, attachments, and much more. ecto is designed to make blogging much more easier and yet give the users as much power as possible to manage their weblogs.’

Get a list ectos features at:

- Mac version

- Windows version

The discount is valid between 20 - 26 December and is for a limited time only - get 30% off here.

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