Written on January 5th, 2005 at 02:01 pm by Darren Rowse

SEO Scoop suggests that Google is in a state of chaos

Search Engine Optimization 0 comments

SEO scoop notes what many of us have been suspecting for a while - that Google is in a state of chaos. I’m not sure I’d describe it as chaos - but the past month has seems some odd and unexplainable results including:

- Search for the word “Yahoo” on Google (without the quotes), and it returns less than 40 results. Yes you heard that right. Less than 40 results.

- The PageRank and Backlink update that began on December 31 has still not finished spreading across the datacenters. In fact, some datacenters that had the new information yesterday have reverted back to the old information today.

- The PR update was strange in that a lot of people received higher PR on their interior pages than they did on the home page - without having more backlinks to the interior pages

- Many people lost rankings in the last few weeks for undeterminable reasons. That in itself would not be anything out of the ordinary, but coupled with the above strangeness, it may actually be a part of the whole weirdness being seen.’

Read more of SEO Scoop’s Observations

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